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A decision to do this is not to be taken lightly and requires a lot of commitment on your part. Once you are friends with the Timorese, they will not forget you and you must not forget them.

St. Dominic's SS, Ballyfermot, Dublin linked with........

........Maubisse SMP, Maubisse Town

Maubisse SMP is in Maubisse town which remarkably only had a few buildings destroyed and the population were not forced over the border. Every other town from Dili to the border on its road was destroyed. Why? One story is that the priest, Father Norberto do Amaral, saved up money and when the vote's result was announced he visited the militias and military and offered it to them, in exchange for not attacking the town. Another version of the story is that the militias and the military didn't have enough vehicles to transport the locals over the border anyway. Either way the town is relatively untouched. The school is still relatively badly equipped and lacks teachers. Yet they were very interested in this project and replied in English to every single letter written to them by the Irish students.

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