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Introduction to Attack on America

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Attack on America

Tuesday 11 September 2001 will be forever remembered.

1. Introduction
It is said that everyone remembers where they were when they heard the news that John F. Kennedy, the President of the United States, was assassinated in November 1963. A similar catastrophic event took place in America on the 11 September 2001.

2. Chronology of Events
A detailed breakdown of the sequence of events on the day.

3. Aftermath
The planes which crashed into the twin towers exploded on impact unleashing a massive fireball which blazed through the building. Temperatures reached thousands of degrees as the fuel from the full tanks in the planes burned. Anybody above the point of impact was doomed.

4. American Cabinet
A photographic list of all the main players in the American administration.

5. Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden, the man U.S. intelligence officials say is the prime suspect behind the September 11 hijacking attacks, is the head of a shadowy organization that is believed to have been targeting the United States and its allies since the early 1990s.

6. Islam
This religion is practiced by over 20% of the world's population (over 1 billion people) and is the dominant religion from North Africa to Asia. There are two main groups: Sunni and Shi'ite.

Fighting against Terrorism
Two major events took place in the past twenty years that have had a major influence on present day events:
1979: The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.
1990: Iraq invades Kuwait (The Gulf War).

Worksheet on Attack on America
Three tasks are provided for work in the classroom.


Bin Laden


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