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Worksheet on Global Warming

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We have yet to see what the penalties will be for failing to comply with our Kyoto commitment.

Answer the following questions in your CSPE folder.
  1. Give 3 pieces of evidence to show the global warming is taking place. Is the case for global warming strong or weak?
  2. What do the size and frequency of iceberg calving indicate?
  3. Many argue that a practical way to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is to plant trees. How do trees reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
  4. What are fossil fuels? Write down all aspects of your life that require fossil fuels? How does the burning of fossil fuels increase the rate of global warming? What can Ireland do to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels?
  5. The earth atmosphere system (EAS) is being altered by human activity. Give 3 activities that are altering the system and their effect on the atmosphere.
  6. What is the greenhouse effect? Why is carbon dioxide important in this effect?
  7. What evidence is there to show that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing?
  8. Is global warming good or bad for Ireland? Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of global warming for Ireland?
  9. Name 3 alternative energy sources that do not involve burning fossil fuels.
  10. Should developing nations be compelled to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions?

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