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Worksheet on Cuba

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Before a student can understand a situation in the world they need to have an idea of its location in the world, a basic history and a knowledge of the main players in the conflict.

Get out your CSPE folder and carry out the following work on Cuba. The last assignment brought you through the situation in East Timor. We will follow the same procedure here.

Task 1: Compile a fact-sheet

Before a student can understand a situation in the world they need to have an idea of its location in the world, a basic history and a knowledge of the main players in the conflict.

  • Get an A3 sheet of paper and enter information on it as shown above. In the centre of the sheet draw a map of Cuba from your atlas.
  • Main characters: Make a list on your fact-sheet of the main players in the conflict. Put in their name and their role. You can also choose to put in their photos. You can download their photos from the internet or cut them from the CSPE article.
  • Statistics: Above the map make a list of the most relevant statistics - size, population, language etc..
  • Historical Dates: Below the map put in a list of the more important historical dates.
  • Flag: Draw the Cuban Flag.

Most of the information you require is contained in the CSPE article. When the fact-sheet is complete fold it in two. Punch 2 holes at the open end and put into your folder. Write Cuba Fact-Sheet on the clear side. When you open your folder you simply open out the fact-sheet.

Task 2: Questions

Answer the following questions in your folder
  1. Why did the 1959 Revolution have such popular support amongst Cubans?
  2. The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the world ever came to a nuclear war. Anyone who was alive at the time can vividly remember the tension and fear that existed. Ask an adult who is at least in their fifties to recount their experience and write about it.
  3. Do you think Elian Gonzalez should be returned to Cuba or remain with relatives in Florida? Give reasons for your answer.
  4. Dr. David Hickey was sufficiently moved by the suffering he witnessed in Cuba to do something about it. Can you name two other Irish people who acted on some event in the world that moved them. Give a brief account of what they did.
  5. What effect on Cuba does the American embargo have? Why did the Americans put an embargo against Cuba in place? Do you think the embargo should remain or be removed?
  6. Cuba is one of the few remaining Communist regimes in the world. What do you understand about Communism? Write down everything you have ever heard about Communism.

    Task 3: Build up a scrap-book

    Be on the look-out for articles associated with Cuba. Build up a scrap-book in your folder with newspaper cuttings. Now that you have a good understanding of the region you will be able to understand newspaper articles and news bulletins about the region. Also download material from the web on the region and include it in your folder.
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