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6. Schools are Communities

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School plays, orchestras, football teams are all products of the dedication of these teachers over the years. Teachers are proud of their contribution to the school community and are honoured to be involved in what must be one of the most satisfying professions open to anyone.

Schools are communities that provide a safe environment for young people to learn. Many teachers in Ireland have dedicated themselves to one school where they have become immersed in many school activities over the years. Many are teaching the children of their former pupils. Such an environment takes many years to build up. School plays, orchestras, football teams are all products of the dedication of these teachers over the years. Teachers are proud of their contribution to the school community and are honoured to be involved in what must be one of the most satisfying professions open to anyone.

However, what takes many years to create can all be destroyed in a short period of time through short-sightedness. It is very easy for the educational system in Ireland to degenerate in a similar way to that created in England under the Thatcher years. Low morale amongst the teaching profession is a feature of the English school system. An inability to fill vacancies in English schools means that some schools have had to opt for a four day week.

The quality of many young people's lives will suffer greatly if teachers withdraw from extra-curricular activities. One school in Kildare has already decided to do this after being reprimanded by the Parents Association for engaging in strike action to pursue their pay claim. The teachers felt unappreciated for the work they did with these parentŐs children, the long evenings training football teams on a voluntary basis.

The voluntary work that teachers do with school pupils creates the school community and builds relationships within the school. Many teachers would like to continue with these extremely rewarding activities. Short-sightedness by faceless civil servants and a government intent on winning the battle against teachers will inevitably result in the war being lost on maintaining the school community.

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