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3. Election Day

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However, as the day wore on it became obvious that Florida had been too close to call. Everyone would just have to wait until the actual count took place.

After all the caucases and primaries the presidential candidates were ready for election day which took place on 7 November 2000. Unlike Ireland, America operates across many time zones. This means the election results may come in from Florida on the east coast while people are still voting in California on the west coast.

The television networks play a major role in the election. In Ireland and Britain the media go to the various count centres and receive the official election result. In America the media carry out exit polls. This is based on questioning voters as they emerge from the ballot station and asking them for whom they voted. Based on these results they can predict very accurately which candidate has won a state. The exit poll results appear on the TV screens as the official result - they never wait for the official count.

The US TV networks suffered a major embarrassment on election night, as they first called Florida for Mr Gore, and then for Mr Bush. Some of the morning newspapers accepted the TV predictions too readily, confidently giving the presidency to Mr Bush.

"If you're disgusted with us, frankly, I don't blame you," CBS television anchor Dan Rather told viewers.

Florida was important because it carries 25 electoral college votes. In an election this close, winning Florida would won the Presidency for either candidate. As the counting continued it looked like Bush had won and Republicans across America started celebrating. Al Gore rang George Bush to concede the election.

However, as the day wore on it became obvious that Florida had been too close to call. Everyone would just have to wait until the actual count took place.

Gore now rang Bush back to retract his concession. With his victory speech in hand, Mr Bush was irritated. 'Let me make sure I understand. You're calling me back to retract your concession?'

"You don't have to get snippy about this," the Vice-President told a flabbergasted Mr Bush.

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