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Volume 1 (1999/2000)
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Issue 6 (April 2000)
Issue 7 (May 2000)

Volume 2 (2000/2001)
Issue 1 (Sept. 2000)
Issue 2 (Oct. 2000)
Issue 3 (Jan. 2001)
Issue 4 (March 2001)
Issue 5 (April 2001)
Issue 6 (May 2001)

Volume 3 (2001)
Issue 1 (Sept. 2001)
Issue 2 (Nov. 2001)

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Parents - who needs 'em?

Claire Egan
Loreto SS, Beaufort, Co.Dublin

After 18 years I feel that I am one step closer to figuring out my parents. Also I'm one year closer to moving out altogether! Hardly a day goes by when teenagers all over the world don't disown their parents for being mean, nasty and spiteful people who are trying to ruin their lives. But the thing is that they will never, EVER stop treating us like children. Even when I'm 28 I still bet my mother will be checking that I'm eating properly. And they can also be so annoying sometimes. So here’s a few guidelines on how to get through at least one day without causing World War 3. The main reason behind every parent-child conflict is that our parents put on this big 'Don't give me cheek' attitude because they worry about us, where we hang out, who are friends are etc..

So here is some solutions to common problems:
1. "Your bedroom is a pigsty"
Solution: Get a lock for your room. They can't exactly call in a 'pigsty' if they can't see it. Also handy for keeping siblings away from your stuff, essential in the case of moi.

2. "Your music is too loud"
Solution: Invest in a pair of earphones or nick your big brothers.

3. "You never do anything to help around the house"
Solution: Er...Help around the house. Make the effort to bring your laundry to the washing machine and I assure you the mess under your bed will not bite you.

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