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Experiment 1


  • Heading
  • Apparatus
  • Diagram
  • Method
  • Calculation
  • Graph
  • Conclusion
  • Precautions
  • Sources of Error

  • To investigate the effect of amylase on starch

    1. Heat amylase solution; starch solution, and distilled water to 37 in a water bath.

    2. Mix 5 of the starch solution and 5 of the amylase solution in a test tube.(test tube A)

    3. Mix 5 of the starch solution and 5 of the distilled water in a test tube (test tube B - control).

    4. Place the test tubes in a water-bath set at 37 .

    5. Add a few drops of buffer pH 8 to keep the pH constant.

    6. Every minute remove a sample from each test tube and test with Iodine.
    Test tube A: Turns yellow-brown - the starch has been broken down.
    Test tube B: Always blue-black, starch present.

    7. Every minute remove a sample from each test tube and test with Benedict's solution.
    Test tube A: Turns brick red - the starch has been broken down into maltose.
    Test tube B: Remains blue - no maltose present.

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